Quotes From "Discourses And Selected Writings" By Epictetus

Philosophy does not claim to secure for us anything outside our control. Otherwise it would be taking on matters that do not concern it. For as wood is the material of the carpenter, and marble that of the sculptor, so the subject matter of the art of life is the life of the self. Epictetus
Don't put your purpose in one place and expect to...
Don't put your purpose in one place and expect to see progress made somewhere else. Epictetus
Freedom is not archived by satisfying desire, but by eliminating...
Freedom is not archived by satisfying desire, but by eliminating it. Epictetus
Freedom, you see, is having events go in accordance with...
Freedom, you see, is having events go in accordance with our will, never contrary to it. Epictetus
So what oppresses and scares us? It is our own thoughts, obviously, What overwhelms people when they are about to leaves friends, family, old haunts and their accustomed way of life? Thoughts. Epictetus
And where there is ignorance, there is also want of learning and instruction in essentials. Epictetus
We should realize that an opinion is not easily formed unless a person says and hears the same things every day and practises them in real life. Epictetus
It isn't death, pain, exile or anything else you care to mention that accounts for the way we act, only our opinion about death, pain and the rest. Epictetus